Intelsio builds Martech solutions that engage and automate in-market customers turning them into buyers. Intelsio’s digital assets and platforms include RingRouted™,™ and RoutingCentral™
Technology Solutions
RingRouted (RR) is a uniquely developed telephony platform that enables Intelsio to efficiently connect consumers to 10’s of thousands of local, regional, and national businesses across the United States at the exact time that a consumer is looking for a specific product or service that one of these connected businesses provides. RingRouted routes these callers through it’s own Ai based algorithm to connect them to the best possible company in their local geo-graphical area. RR processes millions of calls across multiple different categories including Home Services, Financial Services, Travel, Medical, Legal, etc. The system continuously uses the data to get smarter and make better “connecting decisions” so that we are providing the best experience for the consumer as well as the business who is serving them.
Our proprietary technology enables data driven media buys and partnership expansion, leading to expedited growth and success for our clients.
We’re never done innovating! RoutingCentral™ is under construction and will be available soon.